MY FIRST TIME: Trying CBD Oil For MY Stutter

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28 Replies to “MY FIRST TIME: Trying CBD Oil For MY Stutter”

  • You should get cbd isolated crystals instead. It is the most potent form. The bottle you bought is too expensive. You are getting 500mg for $60 bucks for the bottle. Green valley nutrition sells 1 gram which is 1000mg cbd crystals for $29.99. I add it to my teas and coffee. I use a tiny mg scoop. Research has proven some thc with cbd is more beneficial but of course if it's not legal in your you can not get it. Also if you do take a lot of cbd it can make you go to sleep.

  • question have you try just smoking some weed? because THC also helps with many things including stuttering just a thought 🙂 hope you find something that works for you

  • I was so mad about sleeping after & trying cbd oil for the first time, it didn’t work for me. Then I bought the most powerful version of Charlotte’s web & tried it, again absolutely no results. I asked all the customer support team, they said sometimes if starts working later on different individuals. After using it for a whole month. I still didn’t feel any effects, so I got sooo mad. I had like half the bottle of the extract left, this night I decided to drink up all of it & sleep. And I thought that if this doesn’t work then cbd oil is bull crap & not worth the hype at ALL!! At least for me it. So after taking half the bottle down with the most powerful version extract of Charlotte’s Web since nothing else seemed to work for me, which is why I chose the most powerful one. I woke up in the morning with even worst sleep I had at night even when I regularly would sleep without any medications. I was confused, didn’t understand if what I was seeing was still a dream or a reality? But it just felt sooo much real that my instincts always knew that this was real, yes I am awake! I felt like my eyes were inside my stomach & my head was having super difficulties to function. I felt like I was in Hell! I didn’t know how to wake up, but I was already awake. I started to hallucinate, started to trip the heck out & couldn’t realize what in the world has happened to me, am I dead?? I was trying to walk, but I kept hearing voices in my head. As if my relatives inside the house were following me & laughing at me while playing hide & seek with me & fooling around. I felt like I was being made fun of. I started to feel offended by this, but I was helpless to do anything about it. I tried to talking but words couldn’t come out of my mouth because my brain seemed like it wasn’t functioning. I tried to YELL, but only murmurs would come out of my mouth with gibberish speaking. I couldn’t control my speech. I was completely helpless, I felt like I was paralyzed at the same time inside a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from because it was not a nightmare but real life. At the same time I felt like I had two heads, one inside my stomach & one where my actual head belonged & it felt as if my brain & consciousness belonged or became stuck inside my stomach but I could feel my second being from a smaller consciousness from my actual head. Then I started to realize myself being interfered with as if another soul or spirit was inside me at the same time & supposedly is telling me to do bad & evil things. Forcing me, trying to control me to do this bad thing or that bad things. I can’t remember what it was forcing me to do, but I remember being filled with evil thoughts in my head as if becoming tamed to forcefully do evil deeds while at the same time my own inner consciousness would fight to reject these evil thoughts with as much as power as I could have. I felt like I was literally in Hell by this point. I resisted, I resisted, kept on resisting to not do anything bad or evil, because it felt like I knew, that if I had let whatever was trying to control me or force me into doing evil things, then I would’ve sinked in & become drained by its very powerful & forceful demands. And possibly would have become possessed by something evil, there was so much going on that my faulty brain in this damned situation couldn’t even keep up or fight any longer because all my energies were being drained from fighting this thing so much in my subconscious mind, from resisting with everything I had trying to not be overtaken by it. So then, I collapse because of this, there was too much going on inside my head so I couldn’t take it anymore & basically it felt like I knocked out or overdosed or something yet I had no way or time to think in my head what if it was that freaking cbd oil that did this to me? I didn’t think about that at all!! But after I got restored & sobered up, went to the doctor & the doctor was saying that I took too much of that cbd oil, & potentially was overdosed or had overdose symptoms. And the doc said that this cbd hype is all bull crap, it’s this new trend that’s going around lying to the people just so they can make money on a new product that they call cbd oil. It’s all in the placebo effect of the human brain & makes you think as if this product helps with anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, but he said those are all lies in order to make it a miracle hype make bunches of money from all those victims who spread the news more to the public about this newly miracle cure for everybody’s dreadful situations in life!! This got me really angered! So I said to myself, FUCK CBD OIL from now on!!!!! Yet again it still questions me when people say it, how it truly helps them? Now I’m at a point of being confused about this cbd oil stuff, is it only me that this doesn’t work on?!

  • I myself have a stutter as well and I noticed that cbd does help alot with my stutter but I get my cbd from hemp flower. I've tried cbd oil (like the one you have) and I noticed it doesn't work as well as cbd hemp flower. You can get cbd hemp flower online at or I've also heard that certain medical marijuana strains might help with stuttering as well.

  • Hi Matice – thank you so much for posting this – my heart breaks for fellow stutters and swells with pride too. I've stuttered for 41yrs now, have a huge interest in natural medicine/diet and am now keen to try CBD oil. It's not yet legal here in NZ unless it's doctor prescribed, so I'm hoping this doctor I've found is as keen to see if this works for me as I am 🙂
    I just wanted to put this up here in case you're interested that I've found that diet (or nutrition) helps (A LOT) – my articulation and co-ordination with my breath is incredible, and my fluency is just amazing when my diet is really, really good – and I think it's linked to the anti-inflammatory nature of what I eat. Which also links to the CBD oil – which is incredibly anti-inflammatory. I know this will sound kind of beyond belief – like how can what we eat possibly be linked to how we talk? – but there are more and more people in the news and I've seen myself, medical problems that couldn't be fixed, that an overhaul of a diet and the body returns to a healthy homeostasis.
    I realise CBD is not going to be a cure but my diet – if I can figure it all out might just be.
    Also every one of us who stutters is going to have triggers. I'm hoping the CBD might might just be a neat little tool to have on hand when life gets stressful.
    Wish me luck 🙂 and I wish you much love and happiness – life is tough and having a stutter does not help – but man, it makes us the most empathetic of folk 🙂

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